Testimonials & Reviews

Progressive Neurology & Sleep Medicine Associates
Neurologists & Sleep Medicine Specialists located in Redlands and Riverside, CA
Progressive Neurology & Sleep Medicine Associates always appreciates feedback from our valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 20 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Progressive Neurology & Sleep Medicine Associates below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.
Jonene L.
Submitted 02/07/25
I thought all was lost and there was not going be any help for me. I have suffered with migraines for years. I was so depressed and had no life no interests. All the ER visits and no help from doctors made me feel like i should just give up! I finally found help here at this office and met with Sheila Anne Bobis. Her nice demeanor and compassion is so calming when you are in so much pain and overwhelmed. She listened all of my concerns with my migraines. Sheila gives me hope and works very hard to find medications and procedures to help with my migraines. The Botox and Nurtec medication are helping. I'm proud to announce thanks to Sheila, NO MORE ER visits. I am so thankful and grateful for you Sheila Anne Boris. My prayers have been answered.
Misty R.
Submitted 02/28/24
Four years I have suffered from the debilitating effects of having terrible migraines. This debilitating condition limited me from doing the things that I loved . Daily activities were a struggle, enjoying good music, staring into the sunset. We are talking about crippling symptoms that I’m sure you all are aware of from nausea to vomiting , light penetrating your eyes like some sort of assault.
I tried every oral or injectable medication without much success.
I was fearful of botox but let me tell you that it’s so worth a few minutes of being uncomfortable for months of freedom!
I practiced softball with my daughter now, take my husky for walks, go off-roading in the mountains, blare the music and even dare to make plans now! “Yes I’ll” be there because migraines no longer keep me shackled like the prisoner, I was before Botox injections. Say yes and join me with the freedom i have experienced.. thank you doctor it’s been life changing and a game changer .
You’re amazing and do the injections in a way that the discomfort is minimal and I have also noticed my forehead wrinkles are not as noticeable. :)
Sheila B.
Submitted 01/22/24
I’ve been seeing Sheila Bobis for about four years now. I highly recommend her to anyone. I receive Botox for my migraines I’ve been cursed with since July 3, 1969. In the time I’ve been seeing Sheila, we have had great results at keeping my migraines at bay. Sheila, and the entire staff at Progressive Neurology, are absolutely tops in my book!
Daniel M.
Submitted 01/12/23
I am a disabled VN Veteran trying to survive the ravages of exposure to Agent Orange. I was an Army Engineer, so my chances of exposure were very high. In 2005 I felt a slight tingling in my left toe which has escalated to the right foot and hands. My illnesses that are now life threating has steadily advance up all four limbs. Over the past 17 years I have seen a multitude of Neurologist. I had some good Neurologists make the correct diagnosis and treatment plan. These diagnoses ultimately were overruled by the VA. The claim by the VA was the EMG test did not meet the criteria. In December of 2022 I was referred to Progressive Neurology for evaluation. I went through the same examination process I've been through over the past 17 years. The evaluation given by a conscientious and caring Neurologist Dr. Milani erased 17 years of failed attempts to bring forth the truth of my advancing illness over the years. My wife and I now have peace of mind and validation that I was not lying about the pain and suffering I have endured. From the moment we entered the office and met Christine and Jessica who always stayed in contact about appointments we knew we were in the right place. The doctor was so thorough and meticulous in her initial consult she felt comfortable in the direction she would pursue to make the correct diagnosis and treatment plan for me. I thank Progressive Neurology for their expertise and recommend anyone looking for a great Neurology Clinic to go to Progressive Neurology without reservations.
Terry S.
Submitted 05/25/21
I've suffered from migrain headaches my whole life. I'm 60yo now, and over the years the headaches have become more frequint and for years now they've come neerly every day,and to the point that if I have one day a week without a headache, I'm thankfull. After trying every medication pescribed by multiple Dr's, onely to be disapointed, I've all but given up.
That said, I've resently relocated and had to find new doctors in my area. Well much to my amaisment, after decades of suffering I finally found help. Another doctor recamended I try (Progressive Neurology and Sleep Medicine Associates). "Sheila Bobis P.A." is who treats me there. She and I discussed all the important Dr/patient stuff and seemed confident she could help me and beleive me she did! My headache frequency has been drasticly reduced and it's a life changer. I never take the time to write reviews like this but she is my hero !!
Mike P.
Submitted 04/08/21
I came to Progressive Neurology by way of a long journey that provided no answers to symptoms I have been experiencing for many years. That journey is over as I have finally found a practice and a doctor (Dr. Liu) that takes the time to listen, and explore all that is shared with an open mind and a willingness to apply his considerable expertise to finding a solution to a problem! Additionally, the staff is great, I received regular reminders and follow up calls with information that prepared me for the new normal of doctor visits. Thank you to all!! You have a customer for life and a strong promoter of your practice!
Carol M.
Submitted 12/10/20
Have you ever been to a Dr's office where they can't see you for a long time and then when they do, they don't give you the time of day? Well, THIS office is the complete opposite of THAT! It's the office we have always dreamed of as patients! Not only do they care about you (ISABEL AND SHEILA!!), they get you in quickly (THANK YOU, ISABEL!), and once they do, you speak to someone like Sheila Bobis, an expert in her field, beyond her time, that is able to explain things in layman's terms and calm you down quickly. She has a soothing voice and a demeanor that you just don't see in doctors today. She TRULY CARES! I am not just a number to her. She is not stingy with her time or trying to give me less prescriptions so I can come back for more office visits. She blows me away every time! She exceeds my expectations and truly makes me want to reach out and hug her. Thank you, Sheila and Isabel! For caring about me as if I were your family, for being you, and for making me want to shout out to the world how AMAZING doctors offices CAN be if they would just hire the right attitude from the beginning! G-d bless you all! - Carol
Sue B.
Submitted 10/06/20
I have been receiving Botox injections for nearly 2 years at Progressive Neurology by Sheila Babis PA, for excessive migraine headaches. I was having migraines nearly every day with only a handful of days a month without. With the recommendation to try the Botox by Sheila Babis I now have only one or two headaches a month. My care at Progressive Neurology has been top notch. Thank you so much.
Danilo B.
Submitted 06/15/20
I am a US Navy Retired and aDisabled Veteran with 23 years of active duty service. I had been suffering with migraine for years and was treated with different types of pills and capsules that doesn't worked with serious side-effects. But when Botux treatment was recommended and approved, my Quality of Life have tremendously changed for the better and so as my emotional health. Thank you Dr. Sheila Bobis for your genuine concern, treatment, attention, and professionalism that I experienced all the time and on my every Botux procedure visit. Your kind, respectful, and friendly demeanor is greatly appreciated by this Disabled Veteran and my entire family. You truly improved my life with lesser headaches and neck pain. God Bless you always.
Pamela G.
Submitted 03/03/20
I was having headaches every night for the last ten years. I started getting Botox every 3 months with Sheila and my headache are gone. Botox is the only thing that has taken the pain away from me. Thanks
Hays V.
Submitted 02/05/20
I am a female veteran who was referred by my Neurologist from the VA. After years of being treated with Botox injections my body built up antibodies to the serum.(which I learned can happen) I was taken off the Botox and ended up with several migraines daily once again.
My Neurologist from the VA tried several oral medications but nothing relieved my daily migraine pain. I ended up in the ER many times
Finally I was referred to Progressive Neurology Grp(outside provider) due to many treatments were tried which I failed from the VA.
I was seen by first by Dr. Rai,(x1) then by Sheila Bobis, MS, PA-C for all f/u's. I received this new injectable medication called Aimovig Autoinjection. It has improved my migraines. It took several months to get into my system as Sheila Bobis instructed but it has been a lifesaver. I now have a improved quality of life again. I can tell when my next 30 day injection is due because headaches start daily. Once I give the injection I am back on track.
I thank Dr. Rai, and Sheila Bobis. Sheila you are the best!!!
Tami C.
Submitted 01/27/20
Hi.. I go to progressive Neurology every 6 weeks and I see Dr. Sheila Bobis.. I am a chronic migraine sufferer.. have for over 30 years.. drs would prescribe medication that didnt help.. migraines 3~5x a week.. I started seeing Dr. Sheila, she tried new medications, they helped, but I still got migraines, several x a month.. Dr asked if I've ever tried botox for them.. no.. so she got me approved for the botox.. I was skeptical bcuz of the crazy hype.. let me tell ya, it helps SOO much.. Dr gives me shots all around my head, and as an added perk, my forehead wrinkles are gone.. I also have fibromyalgia, and she gives me a shot of botox in my shoulder area, and AHHHHHHH.. no more pain.. I love it.... the staff is wonderful, always nice.. Dr. Sheila is amazing.. I love it here.. so glad I am blessed to have them.. Thank you everyone at Progressive Neurology.. Yall rock..!!
Jane N.
Submitted 01/20/20
I have been to many Nuerologist for my migraines and headaches and until I came to Progressive Neurology and Sleep, I am almost headache free!!! I was waking up to Tylenol every day prior and they tried different meds that didn’t quite work and I have had 2 Botox treatments with Sheila Anne Bobis MS, PA-C and in the past 6 weeks I have only taken 1 Tylenol and I’m almost headache free. It’s a blessing and has made a huge difference on my life. Anyone suffering with Migraines and Headaches you need to make an appointment. It will Change your life!!!
Glenda S.
Submitted 01/09/20
I started seeing Sheila Bobis and she’s amazing. She works magic and I’m very blessed to have her!!! She’s great at what she does. Thank you Sheila for taking good care of me!!
Jennifer O.
Submitted 01/08/20
I was dealing with daily migraines when my doctor sent me to Sheila Bobis, and I am so grateful he did. I have tried many treatments over the years, but nothing has worked like the Botox she administered.
It wasn’t exactly an experience I was looking forward to, but it was absolutely worth it.
Sheila is a good listener and knows exactly what she’s doing. She was quick, precise, and hit every trigger point we discussed.
By the time I got back home I could already feel a difference. The places on my head and neck that have been painful to the touch for 20 years were blissfully calm. I actually sat in my car and cried from the unexpected relief. The absence of pain felt like my own private miracle.
It’s been 6 weeks since then, and I am down to a couple migraines a week. It’s a huge improvement in my quality of life, and I feel confident that after a few more treatments, it will be even better. I am looking forward to my next appointment, needles and all, for the prospect of living a normal life again.
Michael V.
Submitted 11/13/19
I had migraine headaches 20 days a month and more was getting worried how to prevent them nothing was helping I went in and met the helpful and friendly staff who assured me that no need to be worried the treatment was short and after I have been able to have less than 4 or 5 margarine and relief is unbelievable I can move my neck more and also resulting in less pain qThank you Dr SHEIL ANNE BOBIS and PROGRESSIVE NEUROLOGY & SLEEP MEDICINE ASSOCIATES
Lauren Y.
Submitted 06/28/19
I have been a patient here for years, once they opened the Redlands office they contacted me and my care was transferred to Sheila Bobis. Being a patient of hers has been the best thing that has happen to me when it comes to my migraines. I went from 17+ migraine days down to 1 to 5 a month. When i first went to see her she made sure she listened to what i was telling her, she never made me feel as i was being dramatic. She was very proactive with trying to help me, after going through a couple of different treatments she told me about Ajovy injections. she made sure she educated me and made sure i was comfortable with what i was agreeing to. She even offered to give me injections in her office. once i got the medication i had no problem giving it to myself since she had already taught me how. And let me just say the medication is amazing, and i am so thankful she told me about it. I now have a normal life instead of having a migraine every single day. She cares about her patients and always makes sure to educate you on what she is recommending for your. She knows her stuff. I hope i never have to see anyone else for my migraines. Because of her i have my life back!
Lauren Y.
Submitted 06/28/19
I have been a patient here for years, once they opened the Redlands office they contacted me and my care was transferred to Sheila Bobis. Being a patient of hers has been the best thing that has happen to me when it comes to my migraines. I went from 17+ migraine days down to 1 to 5 a month. When i first went to see her she made sure she listened to what i was telling her, she never made me feel as i was being dramatic. She was very proactive with trying to help me, after going through a couple of different treatments she told me about Ajovy injections. she made sure she educated me and made sure i was comfortable with what i was agreeing to. She even offered to give me injections in her office. once i got the medication i had no problem giving it to myself since she had already taught me how. And let me just say the medication is amazing, and i am so thankful she told me about it. I now have a normal life instead of having a migraine every single day. She cares about her patients and always makes sure to educate you on what she is recommending for your. She knows her stuff. I hope i never have to see anyone else for my migraines. Because of her i have my life back!
Paula G.
Submitted 06/11/19
My family and I have been clients here for years. They have always gone above and beyond to keep us well and happy. I would recommend this to anyone.
Veronica R.
Submitted 02/15/18
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At Progressive Neurology & Sleep Medicine Associates, we accept the majority of private health insurance plans, as well as IEHP and most HMO's in our service area. Please call our office if you do not see your plan listed.